Monday, March 23, 2015

New ways to organize our documents and information gathered on the web, with the use of applications like Evernote will give us the opportunity to eliminate the use of paper in our work and everything we need will be found on the cloud, other important and useful resources for working in or classrooms are tools like Socrative, this will help us have instantaneous feedback from our students about the class we have taught, and last but not least Scratch program , designed for children but very useful even fur adults because it develops different social skills, problem solving and critical thinking ones. With the combination of these tools our classes will be the best of the best, and we will make a difference among the others common and traditional teaching styles.
There is no doubt about the new learning process we are having in this wonderful program, we are learning how to use these tools that will give our classes the touch of authenticity and originality for our students to see our subjects in a total different perspective, if in the previous year’s English was a very dynamic, fun and interesting subject, now It will be the one which students will feel identify for using the same technology they use in their everyday activities. The key point here is to start applying these tools and strategies to get advantage of them in our classes.

Monday, March 16, 2015

The 31 tools that every teacehr should know about.

Hello my friends here I will let you try this website with a very interesting content for us it will be very useful because it is very related with the topic we are researching for our final project, take a look at it and let me know what you think.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Day two, it was a very long and tiring day, but still the same process learning by doing, very practical and useful, in fact I am using the survey in Google drive to avoid having surveys with pen and paper, the best way to take advantage of what we learn is using it, I will do exactly the same thing with my class plans which are already done, so I just have to incorporate webquests and weikies in order to have the complete process on line. These extra resources are of great help because we can extend the contact with our students in class and outside it.

Master Degree, Tics Inclusion and educative innovation, Day one.

Master Degree, Tics Inclusion and educative innovation, Day one

There are many kind of people in life and I am the ones that learn by doing, and I believe that practice makes perfect. So I say that the methodology that is being follow in this program is excellent because I am learning how to get the 100 % advantage of the tools that technology offers. In the following picture I will show you an example of a Conceptual Web which is prove of our work in this course in day one of class.

Hello my UCG friends , this blog was created to English speakers, so I cannot write anything in Spanish here so you can use the translator to understand what I am saying if you do not master the language, well on Saturday was very hard for me to get into the group after the first 5 hours, it was really heavy ,but I have to say that I am learning a lot and I am applying what I am learning in my teaching daily routine, for example I prepared a survey for the end of my courses in my English Institute , something that was done in pen and paper now I will use Google drive.

Thanks my friends to work as a team and thanks to our instructors for the great job done so far.

Feel free to join to my blog, regards

Cesar Vallejo Calle
 Group No 2

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hello my friends here I am again , first of all I want to wellcome one more time to visit my blog to start interesting convertsations about your educative ahceivements now that you are in or outside ANAI, I am willing to herar from you and let me know if you need something in particular for me to post.


Cesar Vallejo Calle